Le Griffon Mural - CODAworx

Le Griffon Mural

Client: Grosse Ile Downtown Development Authority

Location: Grosse Ile, MI, United States

Completion date: 2023

Project Team


Michele Tanguay



Kelly Knight

Beau Stanton Studio


This mural was commissioned by the Downtown Development Authority of Grosse Ile, Michigan as part of their first public art initiative in 2023. The mural titled “Le Griffon” depicts what is considered to be the largest sailing vessel in the Great Lakes when it was constructed in 1679 and would have sailed directly past the current township of Grosse Isle on it’s maiden voyage. The fate of the ship is unknown as it never made the return journey and many theories exist about it’s fate and sunken location. In the mural, the Griffon is depicted in triplicate sequence sailing into the horizon and fading into mysterious obscurity.


This project was created to engage the local and visiting public of Grosse Ile with a dynamic, vibrant, and historically relevant mural that can be enjoyed while driving or walking along the island's Main Street.


After being contracted to create the mural I researched and developed a concept before preparing a design proposal that was voted on and approved by the Grosse Ile Downtown Development Authority. Once on site, I completed the mural over the course of one week using latex paint and aerosol from a 30 foot all terrain scissor lift.