Building Blocks - CODAworx

Client: Scottsdale Public Art

Location: Scottsdale, AZ, United States

Completion date: 2019

Artwork budget: $100,000

Project Team

Christopher Weed Sculpture Inc.

Scottsdale Public Art

Catclar Developers


Building Blocks commissioned SOHO Scottsdale, Scottsdale Public Art. These larger than life abstracted Building Blocks were commissioned for SOHO Scottsdale through Scottsdale Public Art. They vary in size and shape with the largest being 12′ high by 4’wide and weighing 2000lbs. Constructed of steel with a durable polyurethane finish, these iconic sculptures are symbolic in that no matter how complicated or intangible your goals are, building blocks lay a solid foundation, reminding you of where you started, and where you want to go. These colorful and larger than life sculptures pique the viewers curiosity, drawing them nearer while transforming you to another realm if only for a brief moment.


To create iconic sculptures that were large enough not to be swallowed up by the surrounding landscape/architecture. Color was important in that the sculptures were to pop, creating a contrast with the surrounding landscape. A multi use area, residential/commercial Building Blocks speaks speaks to the Building Blocks to which we lay a solid foundation whether it be business or in our personal lives.


We worked closely with Catclar Developers to create iconic sculptures that were large enough not to be swallowed up by the surrounding landscape/architecture. Color was important in that the sculptures were to pop, creating a contrast with the surrounding landscape.