Unity - CODAworx

Client: MCAD, City of El Paso

Location: El Paso, TX, United States

Completion date: 2022

Artwork budget: $175,000

Project Team


Laura Turon

Museums and Cultural Affairs Department

City of El Paso


Unity is inspired by water and nature in the surrounding areas of the neighborhood and the specific site location. The water canals and the river that is nearby is a popular spot for the community to go fishing, walk the trails along the river or the canals and spend time with their loved ones. All of these activities unite the community, inspiring the name of the art piece. Everyone that has visited the area or grew up in the neighborhood has memories about spending time with their family and friends in the river and water canals. The piece is inspired by that community unity. The map coordinates of the roundabout location are imputed into the SVL algorithm by the EMLab to create the unique patter that the sculpture has.


The goal of the sculpture is to incorporate a public art piece to a new roundabout in a high-traffic area. The sculpture is illuminated at night bringing attention to the art piece and attention to drivers that there is a roundabout in the area. The piece is tied together by a theme important to the community and neighborhood.