The Mirror of Waves - CODAworx

The Mirror of Waves

Submitted by KASUGA

Client: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Completion date: 2024

Artwork budget: $100,000

Project Team

DMX Linear Actuators



Romain Tardy


Under my network


The Belgium presidency of the Council of the EU installed the artwork “The Mirror of Waves” by Romain Tardy & Under my network in the atrium of the Justus Lipsius building. The temporary installation of 150 motorized actuators with luminous spheres move and change color based on an algorithm. They are an organic and poetic metaphor for society, a ballet of differences that aim to stimulate the viewer’s curiosity and imagination.


Employing a customization of our DMX Linear Actuator LED (Pixel), KASUGA produced 150 kinetic light modules for this exhibition. The integration with the DMX protocol made it straightforward to realize the installation within a total production time of 7 weeks.

Additional Information

Image and video credits: © European Union