Tessellated Filigree - CODAworx

Tessellated Filigree

Client: Keystone Group

Location: Indianapolis, IN, United States

Completion date: 2022

Artwork budget: $50,000

Project Team


Adam Buente

Project One Studio


Project One Studio


Tessellated Filigree is a careful exploration of its location’s cultural, historical, and aesthetic milieu paired with the client’s goals and aspirations, Keystone Group. In reference to the unique design and layout of Mile Square, this project utilizes a shifted triangular grid, offsetting and rotating to create a field effect that is distinct and abstract, derived from the infrastructure that surrounds it.

The triangular grid is complimented by a gestural movement of solidity and void as the work reaches the center, another reference to the location of the building and the layout of Indianapolis. The forms become more three-dimensional as they move up in the space, playing with light and shadow to create a site-specific effect for pedestrians walking by the piece. Metallic brass tones catch the light to reflect the history of the area and the new life coming to this building.


Designed for a local developer, the project brief prioritized the creation of a piece of artwork that opens the front lobby to the public, becoming a focal point on the street and beckoning people to the inside of the building. We decided to take those goals and push them further, integrating a 3-dimensional approach that, throughout the day, reflects light in a variety of ways as the sun moves around the project. This 3-dimensionality creates a dynamic and ever-changing composition.