STEM mural South Central College North Mankato - CODAworx

STEM mural South Central College North Mankato

Submitted by Paul LaJeunesse

Client: South Central College - North Mankato

Location: North Mankato, MN, United States

Completion date: 2021

Artwork budget: $18,500

Project Team

Artist/ designer

Paul LaJeunesse

Paul LaJeunesse Design

Lead contact

Roxanne Traxler

South Central College


The mural represents the dynamic nature of STEM education at South Central College and reflects the interconnected and hands on nature of these disciplines, both in research and in practice


The mural had to represent the diversity of student body while showing the vibrant and dynamic nature of the disciplines taught at the College.


I submitted basic sketches to the committee as a starting point. After one was selected I then composed multiple drafts of the image in a digital format to create a feedback loop in order to ensure quality control and constituent approval.