Rythm - CODAworx


Submitted by Astrid Krogh

Client: Uppsala Kommun

Location: Uppsala, Sweden

Completion date: 2022

Project Team


Astrid Krogh

Astrid Krogh Design


Uppsala Kommun

Uppsala Kommunen


Uppsala Central Station
Uppsala, Sweden
Material: Digital Print on glass, LED backlit
Dimensions : 2 x 30 meters
Year: 2021

RYTHM consists of 22 large backlit photo collages, and the artwork is located in a passage at
Uppsala Central Station.

Some of the photos are taken by the artist herself, in Uppsala’s different districts, and some photos are submitted by the citizens of Uppsala. By a open call initiated by the artist the citizens were asked to send pictures of their favorite spot in Uppsala.

The photos are embedded in a larger pre-
determined matrix. From a distance, RYTHM shows a predictable pattern, but on closer inspection the detail contains the story itself. Together they form a unique pattern with light.

RYTHM is like a multifaceted mosaic – a symbol
that unites Uppsala’s districts, differences and cultures.


to illuminate an otherwise dark tunnel at Uppsala's central train station and thus create a greater sense of security