Paper Art Illuminated - CODAworx

Paper Art Illuminated

Submitted by Martin Boverhof

Client: Born Digital @ de Vrijstaat

Location: Utrecht, Netherlands

Completion date: 2013

Project Team


Peter Gentenaar


Anne Gentenaar


Martin Boverhof


Paper art work by Peter Gentenaar, illuminated by videoprojection (mapping), visuals by Anne Gentenaar, mapping by Martin Boverhof, as part of the Born Digital exhibition at 'de Vrijstaat', Utrecht, the Netherlands.


De Vrijstaat is an art location for children, where exhibitions, creative workshops and other cultural activities are organized. As a free work, this project showed the integration of different disciplines and media. The work raised questions about the material, new technologies and finally the viewing experience of the young spectators.


As a team we were interested to see how our disciplines work together. To fit the videoprojection onto the existing three dimensional paper sculpture, the object was digitalized into a 3D model and mapped on-site using custom software. We found the specific quality of video innovating, as it allows adding a layer of gradually changing textures to the physical object. We look forward to further explorations of this process.

Additional Information

A follow up of this project appeared in the exhibition at TETEM gallery Enschede, as part of Twente Biennale 2013 under the theme