Odessa Spire - CODAworx

Odessa Spire

Client: Odessa Arts, City of Odessa, TX

Location: Odessa, TX, United States

Completion date: 2019

Project Team


Ray King

Art Consultant

Dyson & Womack

Commissioning Agency

Odessa Arts


The Odessa Spire reimagines and repurposes the historic Rock Hill Springs Shopping Center (Cloth World) sign into the tallest lighted public art structure in Texas. The Odessa Spire is the first major public artwork commissioned by the city of Odessa Texas. The artwork, by Ray King, sits atop the historic “Cloth World Sign” an impressive 130 ft. in the air. Odessa Arts worked with Dyson & Womack on this project to implement a cost-effective and environmentally safe method for remediating the dilapidated structure. Dyson & Womack also provided oversight for the artist’s installation and integration of the LED lighting system.


The “Cloth World Sign” was dilapidated and dangerously rusted through. Our first goal was to ensure a safe method of removing the lead paint coating the exterior of the sign, engineer rusted members for remediation, and beautify the structure in preparation for the artwork installation. Our second goal was to support the artist and commissioning agency in onboarding a complex LED lighting system, that could be controlled and sequenced to the client's specifications.