New York Giant - Dala Horse Mural - CODAworx

New York Giant – Dala Horse Mural

Submitted by Shai Dahan

Client: private

Location: New york, NY, United States

Completion date: 2019

Project Team


Shai Dahan

Building Owner



In 2019, I was commissioned to create an 18 meter mural in the Lower East Side of New York City.

This was a unique opportunity because of my roots of starting my career whileI lived in Manhattan a decade earlier. The building, which was on the famous Broome Street, towered over the bustling city.

With full creative freedom from the client, I decided to create a homage to my new home of Sweden by painting the traditional Dala Horse reimagined as a realistic horse. The horse stood 18 meters tall in a vibrand red color with the traditional scandinavian kurbits patterns.

Placing a Swedish iconic image of the Dala Horse in my old home town of New York gave me a real sense of accomplishment and pride. After completion, the Swedish press had labeled it ‘The Worlds Largest Dala Horse’ which was a great honor and a monumental moment for my career.


As I was commissioned by the building owner, I was able to bring a traditional Swedish Folk Art image to the city of New York. Not only did it help raise Swedish tradition and culture in NYC but it also gathered great press for the building company with over 20 million media reach.


I was fortunate enough to have a lot of freedom from the building owner and create a design I felt passionate about. Although contracts, permits and other legal logistics were required, it was great to have such freedom when it came to the design.