In The Peloton - CODAworx

In The Peloton

Submitted by Folwell Studios, LLC

Client: Denver Art Museum

Location: Denver, CO, United States

Completion date: 2015

Artwork budget: $100,000

Project Team

Industry Resource

Bob Page

Page, Inc

Industry Resource

Robert Guggleman

Madd Castings


Gail Folwell


In The Peloton, is in the Modern and Contemporary collection of The Denver Art Museum. A pod of racing cyclists draft and vy for position in the group. They merge and move as one, drawn forward in the slipstream of air from other cyclists. There is strategy, tension and danger involved. The three figures merge and abstractly morph into the flow of air among them. Bronze, limited edition of nine.


The art is sited on a balcony for the public gathering and event space in the museum. The piece spins in place and is touch friendly so visitors to the museum can interact, position and view the art from any angle.


In The Peloton, was an existing maquette scale work in the artists collection. It was selected to enlarge for installation at the museum.