Ikon - CODAworx


Submitted by David Hostetler

Client: The Sheffield

Location: New York City, NY, United States

Completion date: 2012

Artwork budget: $360,000

Project Team


David Hostetler


The Sheffield


A sculpture was required by the condo development company in order to fulfill NYC public art guidelines. The granite base,lighting and seating in the plaza were all in place.


The lighting designer was the key person to satisfy on the project. The sculpture had to be the color white and fit on the existing granite base.


The man tasked with finding and installing the sculpture had to balance the needs of the lighting designer, the time line for installation and the art budget. We kept making suggestions until they chose IKON for the space.

Additional Information

I learned to educate the buyer about the time line at the start of the project. He did not tell us about any deadlines. It was a shock that money does not buy time with art making. We got through this hurdle.