Gilded Bowl Column - CODAworx

Gilded Bowl Column

Submitted by Horatio Law

Client: Asian Counseling and Referral Service

Location: Seattle, WA, United States

Completion date: 2008

Artwork budget: $50,000

Project Team


Horatio Law

Public Art Agent

Jocelyn Lui

Asian Counseling and Referral Service


Asian Counseling and Referral Service

Asian Counseling and Referral Service


Brett Binford

Mudsharks Studios


Jim Schmidt

Art & Design Works, LLC


The Gilded Bowl Column is created for the stairwell of the Asian Counseling and Referral Service’s (ACRS) new headquarter in South Seattle, Washington. The sculpture is 4.5-feet-wide in diameter and 16 feet in height, suspended from the ceiling of the stairwell. The artwork spans the three floors of the atrium and has an aluminum framework that supports 192 one-foot-wide bowls. The inside of each bowl is gilded with gold glaze, and arranged facing outward to the stairways. The outside of each bowl is decorated by individuals related to the organization.


The goals of the commission artwork is to honor the strength and tenacity of the Asian and Pacific Islander community, and to pay homage to the contribution of the individuals who work for Asian Counseling and Referral Service. The project space becomes a place for sharing stories and life experiences, and the project gives community members a sense of ownership with the artwork and the space it occupies.


The artist held glazing workshops for the individuals related to ACRS--clients, volunteers, staffs and board members. They were active collaborators in creating the artwork by depicting their life stories and experiences, and showcasing their artistic talents on the bowls. The ceramic bowls were custom-cast by Mudsharks Studios, which were also responsible for the multiple stages of firing of the glazed bowls and putting on the finishing gold and clear glazes.