Big Dining Table - CODAworx

Big Dining Table

Submitted by Alisha Volotzky

Client: Big Dining Table

Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States

Completion date: 2011

Artwork budget: $3,600

Project Team


Alisha Volotzky

Alisha Volotzky Glass Artist


Newstalgia Furniture


The top of this dining room table is deep carved and painted glass 3/4″ by 4' x 16'. The base is done from 1″ steel, plasma cut, welded and powder coated. It's a very large table: 24 people can dine on it comfortably.


The house is a very happy place. Saturated with a wonderful collection of very colorful art works, it was very important to use a design and color that would go well with the spirit of the home.


The collaboration was between me, the artist, and the customer. I learned about the customer and worked their needs in the design. My main consideration was the wonderful chairs that were done for the customer by Newstalgia.