BIG BOOK PROJECT: 26th Avenue Bikeway Project - CODAworx

BIG BOOK PROJECT: 26th Avenue Bikeway Project

Submitted by Christopheraaron Deanes

Client: Minneapolis Public Works

Location: Minneapolis, MN, United States

Completion date: 2019

Artwork budget: $45,000

Project Team


David Kinsinger, Tower Solutions

Laser artist, assembly, installation

Heather Doyle, Chicago Fire Arts Center


Zalk Steel & Supply Company

Marco Sandblasting Company

Metal enamel color mixing art designs Meet with community writers Meet with students, faculty, principal, and parents Meet/ manage city officials – evaluation, steering, fabricators, CAD artist drawings, draft, and illustrations 3D Model painting and firing the enamel panels sanding and monitoring the gauge of mil thickness

Christopheraaron Deanes


The BIG BOOK PROJECT-ASSEMBLE-26th Avenue Bikeway Project
was installed in 2017, The work was fabricated in METAL ENAMEL, CORE TEN STEEL HANDS
The DIMENSIONS are 6.6 ft wide, book wings to book wing (length)- 4 ft wide from front to back, 54.05″ or 4.504 ft for the height of the book 8.28″ from the concrete base to the book bottom (the hands, attached from the concrete to the book) 5″ on the back 6″ on the front of the concrete pad. This project was an RFP generated from the City of Minneapolis, 26th Bikeway Project where I worked with the local school to write and illustrate a story about ‘Bullying’ this story was painted in enamel and displayed on the pages of the book that is being held up by core ten steel hands coming out of the ground.


The goals for this project were rooted in sharing an attractive public work that would allow joggers and bikers to stop and have a moral connection with their lids about bullying.


I worked with the school you see in the background of the sculpture and spent time with their fourth-grade classroom developing characters and a story. I next worked with a CAD artist to design the concept based on my drawing. I also worked with metal sculptures and laser-cutting experts that supported teh work. I am an enamelist so teh pages were designed and painted by myself. Lastly, I worked with the Chicago Fire Arts Center to assemble and install the sculpture on-site.