Begegnungszentrum St. Lorenz, Nürnberg - CODAworx

Begegnungszentrum St. Lorenz, Nürnberg

Client: Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern

Location: Nürnberg, Germany

Completion date: 2020

Artwork budget: $170,000

Project Team


Thierry Boissel


Patrick Palmié + Team

Gustav van Treeck


Volker Heid + Team



In the architecture of St. Lorenz Church, numerous recurring patterns can be observed. They have inspired me to abstractly transfer them onto the wall of the community hall.
The roof of St. Lorenz Church represents the transition from the physical church to the sky above. This theme is transposed onto the wall: a representation of the vaulted ceiling has been roughly rasterized, translated into a new material language, and adapted for the wall of the church community hall.


The competition task is to develop a concept for a permanent artistic intervention in the main hall of the new St. Lorenz Parsonage in Nuremberg. The hall is a multifunctional space, not a purely sacred space. The design should reflect the relationship to St. Lorenz Church and its patron saint, St. Lawrence.


2,400 glass elements are cut using a water jet and mounted on the existing wall (61.35 ft x 20.83 ft). These elements have a size of approximately 3-10 cm (=1.18 in to 3.94 in). The elements are made of 10 mm float glass. After the installation of the elements, the wall itself was plastered flush with a coating.