ASCENDance - CODAworx


Client: Hedwig Dances

Location: Chicago, IL, United States

Completion date: -000

Project Team


Barbara Cooper


Jan Bartoszek

Hedwig Dances


Matthew Ferraro


Moveable and interactive folding structures, made from tyvek and metal, were constructed for the Hedwig Dances performance of ASCENDance. The large stage piece is 11' square with a steel structure into which folded tyvek was placed. The structure could slide apart in the middle. Other structures were made for each of the dancers from tyvek 30' x 5' wide, that folded down into a bar, with metal edges.


'ASCENDance', was a two-year collaboration with Jan Bartoszek, the choreographer of Hedwig Dances and Petra Bachmeier of Luftwerk, a video projection company, both from Chicago. The
piece was performed in 2013 and 2015 at the Athenaeum Theater. I built folded tyvek and metal and structures that were used by the dancers and videos made by Luftwerk were projected upon these structures.
The transformation of what each of us did with regards to how it was used by the others was startling and unexpected.


I worked with the choreographer, video designer, and composer in the development of this piece. The structures became integral to the choreography.

Additional Information

It was an exciting, fun, collaboration!