Welcome to the December issue of CODAmagazine, where we share the best design + art projects from all over the world. We’re an online community for artists, design professionals, and industry resources to showcase their work, collaborate with one another, and find the creative resources they need for future projects.

Architectural Art, as we define it, is art that is an intrinsic aspect of ceilings, floors, roofs, doors, interior and exterior walls, windows, and integrated within a building’s interior or exterior design. These projects are essential to the look and feel of the whole space. Therefore, we selected projects for this issue of CODAmagazine based on how the artwork is part of the structure, and how the artwork transforms the space it is in.

Creative architecture infuses the spaces we inhabit with a sense of wonder. Just like the magic which occurs when people are connected by purpose, spaces designed with both respect and interest in their purpose can become iconic places filled with meaning, places where we want to return to again and again

As we build towards our goals in 2024, think about how artwork contributes to the architecture in spaces where we do our best work, where we meet our friends and loved ones, and where we relax or feel at home. Don’t take these spaces for granted!