Webber Park Library - CODAworx

Webber Park Library

Submitted by Christopheraaron Deanes

Client: Hennepin County Libraries

Location: Minneapolis, MN, United States

Completion date: 2017

Artwork budget: $44,000

Project Team

Design and Fabrication - metal enamel

Christopheraaron and Ta coumba Aiken

Studio for metal enamel works

Chicago Fire Arts Center

Wood install and final

Museum Services

CAD Artist and Structural Engeneering

David Kinsinger


We (the artist) fabricated multiple metal enamel panels. These panels protruded from the wall at different angles and depths to catch the view of the audience
with color, and movement evoking a sense of curiosity and discovery. We believe that these two vestibules encompass works of art that complement and enhance the viewer’s visit.
Whether the participants come to gather or do research this art will captivate by creating something that all people will have a sense of belonging in this space. Our goal
in choosing multiple layers is to collaborate with the vast amount of changing light that permeates the north and south entrances. We also considered the
viewing level, safety, and engagement of all ages. We recognize the diverse languages, races, and deep histories of the communities’ participants. This space shows the
continued historical context of the river and the futuristic view of the changing narratives that exist in the community, the families, and the climate.
The colors we will select will complement the interior as well as the season and foliage to honor with this amazing architectural design. We do recognize the river
design and the intentional mirroring of colors that reflect the natural beauty in this space. We ho


Our Goal (Tacoumba Aiken and Chrostopheraaron Deanes) is to develop a sketchbook through the work of what he heard within the community and patrons.


Our process involved the designer working with CAD artists, and woodworkers to facilitate teh execution of teh work. Both artists did all the metal enamel work.