"Tree In C" - CODAworx

“Tree In C”

Client: Houston Arts Alliance, City of Houston and Houston Airport

Location: Houston, TX, United States

Completion date: 2022

Project Team


Peter Hite

Peter Hite

Project Manager

James Glassman

Houston Arts Alliance


“When I first saw the lobby space, I intuitively knew that a tree would bring it to life. Despite a project manager’s recommendation to keep the artwork within the niche, I let the tree branches break free. This transformation from a confined tradeshow look to a strong, vibrant life form was essential. The branches extend beyond the niche, embodying growth and vitality.

I love rustling of leaves, so I used lenticular lenses to mimic this movement. The colors shift as people pass by, creating a gentle interactive experience. The tree balances abstraction and realism; while I appreciate abstraction, I felt it was important for the tree form to be identifiable in this location and for this audience. The artwork passes what I call the “Mom test.” My mother, who knows nothing about art, often represents a typical viewer in public spaces. If she can recognize and appreciate it, I know the artwork resonates with a broader audience.”


The primary purpose of integrating commissioned artwork into this space was to create a positive experience for everyone who passes through the airport. This goal was achieved through three key elements: form, color, and interactions.

The form of "Tree in C" breaks free from conventional boundaries, with its branches extending beyond the niche walls, transforming the space from a tradeshow look to a vibrant, life-like environment. This dynamic structure adds a striking visual element, symbolizing growth and vitality.

Color is crucial in enhancing the artwork's aesthetic appeal and emotional impact. Using lenticular lenses, the tree’s colors shift and change with the viewers' perspectives, transitioning from blues and purples to greens and yellows. This subtle interplay of colors creates a sense of discovery and engages travelers as they move through the lobby.

Interaction is the third key element. The artwork’s design encourages engagement by responding to the movement of people passing by. This interaction creates an ever-changing visual experience and fosters a connection between the artwork and the viewers, making their journey more memorable.


The collaboration process for bringing "Tree in C" to life was dynamic and multifaceted, involving several key contributors. Four dedicated studio team members worked closely with artist Peter Hite, ensuring that every detail of the artwork was meticulously crafted to achieve our vision. This collective effort was further supported by the Houston Arts Alliance, the City of Houston, and the Houston Airport System, whose joint efforts and support were instrumental in realizing the project.

The process was marked by continuous dialogue and cooperation from the initial concept to the final installation. Regular meetings and brainstorming sessions allowed us to refine the design, ensuring it aligned with the airport space's aesthetic and functional goals. The expertise and insights from the Houston Arts Alliance provided valuable guidance, helping to navigate the logistical and creative challenges that arose.

The City of Houston and the Houston Airport System played crucial roles in facilitating the artwork's integration into the airport environment. Their support ensured the installation process was seamless, from coordinating site visits to managing installation logistics.