Plethora - CODAworx


Submitted by Jone Vizcaino

Client: SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE festival Karlsruhe

Location: Karlsruhe, Germany

Completion date: 2022

Project Team

Hotaru Visual Guerrilla

Schlosslichtspiele Karlsruhe


The piece «Plethora» was the winner of the second BBBank Newcomer Award in 2022 and was presented in the summer at the Schlosslichtspiele festival in Karlsruhe.

The relationship of human beings with abundance has evolved a lot. Nowadays, the first idea which we associate with the concept of abundance is material wealth. The social and economical transformation of our society throughout history it’s been faster than the development of awareness of its causes and consequences. The cost of creating an incredible number of objects, often of short use, has come later than the fever that has led us to consume without measure. Today, the excess of technology is a reality that transcends us every day and invites us to draw a new world through it.

The use of technology in different areas could help us to build a more sustainable future where abundance is regulated towards balance in an organic way or perhaps achieve new, more durable forms of prosperity.


Location: Karlsruhe Palace (Germany)

Year: 2022

BBBank-Newcomer Prize, Second Prize, 2022

Concept, Art Direction, Design, and Animation: Hotaru Visual Guerrilla

Audio: Martin Stavrev (The Science)

Production: Nina Wlodarczyk (Schlosslichtspiele festival)

Technical Director: Markus Puhlmann

Drone Footage: Franco Hart


The goal of the project was to create a 3-minute audiovisual projection mapping production to be premiered at the Schlosslichtspiele festival in the city of Karlsruhe.