Penn State Health Hampton Medical Center - CODAworx

Penn State Health Hampton Medical Center

Submitted by Lou Schellenberg


Location: Lititz, PA, United States

Completion date: 2020

Project Team


Lou Schellenberg

Art Advisory

Pam Nickell

Aesthetics, Inc.


PSHHMC Hospital


“Flowing Water”, Main Lobby Feature, original acrylic paintings for two walls adjacent to each other, incorporating river imagery. 48″ x 144″ and 48 x 48.
Created from many studies of the Susquehanna River this commission was based on specific themes for the medical center; Water is the theme of the main level. I painted directly on the shores of the river to create studies, incorporating a well know historic bridge. I was grateful to have the project as it combined my love of nature with sharing art in health care settings. From the start of the project I enjoyed the process of working within the structure and creative. guidelines.


This medical center was newly constructed in 2020 with plans for original artwork to be integrated within the entire site. The new medical center PSHHMC is situated close to the landmark Susquehanna River. Subject matter for the entire center was to include mountains, meadow, and water with each floor a particular theme. In this project, with the river as a landmark I aimed for an emotional connection with viewers and hope for patients and staff to find meditative pause within the medical center environment.