Open Air Forged Sculpture Gallery - CODAworx

Open Air Forged Sculpture Gallery

Submitted by Arkadiusz Gawecki

Client: Ovre Eiker Municipality

Location: Skotselv, Norway

Completion date: 2018

Project Team


Arkadiusz Gawecki


Øvre Eiker

Ovre Eiker Municipality


Open air forged sculpture gallery is created for the local community as well as for visitors . It is a relation between art, craft and human where forged metal sculptures and modern forged outdoor furnitures are placed in public space . In this sculpture park 10 art objects are installed including 4 pieces of outdoor furniture and 6 sculptures. The works are made by artists from eleven countries and 4 continents.


By placing artwork around Skotselv village the goal was to transform the village for the outdoor art gallery which shows the village in modern creative image and makes the place distinctive in the country and abroad.


The whole project is the idea of one man Arkadiusz Gawecki / art.blacksmith and realized in cooperation with local municipality Øvre Eiker .The process was interesting because it required from creator to reach politicians and representatives of the commune, people who have little in common with art and to convince them of the importance of art for public audiences.