Oil Paintings by Igor Dobrowolski - CODAworx

Oil Paintings by Igor Dobrowolski

Submitted by Igor Dobrowolski


Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Completion date: 2021

Artwork budget: $20,000

Project Team


Igor Dobrowolski

Igor Dobrowolski


Krystian Dobrowolski

Igor Dobrowolski


All paintings are realistically hand-painted (they are not photography’s).
In the process of discovering myself, I can say that I have revealed some strong
psychological figures( inner child, feminine side, tyrannical side, contemporary side).
I noticed that when designing or thinking about new works, some paths went completely different than others. For example, the process of creating oil paintings was utterly different from the process of creating sculptures. The process of creating sculptures also differed from the design of bas-reliefs. I asked myself why the sculptures appeared in my head without much effort and why I feel completely different when I think about paintings and bas-reliefs.


I did try to convey a political and social message, a childlike character, emotions, a certain type ofstyle, etc.
However, from now on, I will explore individual projects asseparate psychological figures.
I will not force them together. I will allow them to create asseparate entities.
Thisis an early discovery stage, and Isuppose there will be a few more charactersin the nearfuture.
Personally, it is one of the most important discoveriesin my artistic careerso far.


Hand painted oil on canvas