Obelisk - CODAworx


Client: Jacksonville University, City of Jacksonville

Location: Jacksonville, FL, United States

Completion date: 2023

Artwork budget: $627,000

Project Team


Shan Shan Sheng

East West Art Studio

Project Manager

Marco Castaneda

East West Art Studio


Jan Peters / Peter kaufmann

Peters Glass Studio, Germany

Digital Assistant

Jake Evans

East West Art Studio


Obelisk represents a fusion of past and present, a bridge between the
enduring echoes of antiquity and the modern world. The obelisk, a symbol of
power, spirituality, and cultural achievement, has transcended the boundaries
of time and geography, captivating the imagination for millennia. This
sculpture serves as a tribute to that enduring fascination and seeks to rekindle
a connection to the rich tapestry of human history.


Obelisk is a monumental sculpture that serves as a
symbol of knowledge, enlightenment, and the pursuit of higher
education at Jacksonville University. This towering structure
stands as a bright beacon of inspiration, inviting students,
faculty, and visitors to engage with its magnificent presence.


As we stand before Obelisk, we are reminded of the magnificence of ancient Egypt, where these towering monoliths were raised to honor gods, pharaohs, and celestial forces. The significance of the obelisk as a symbol of strength, wisdom, and aspiration echoes through the ages, and this artwork aims to celebrate that symbolism.

Additional Information

Obelisk draws inspiration from the concept of timelessness. The shape, color and form of an Obelisk remain remarkably unchanged, serving as a translucent beacon of our shared human journey across time and space. In an age where the rapid pace of progress can sometimes leave us feeling disconnected from our roots, this artwork is a deliberate attempt to ground us in the enduring traditions and wisdom of our forebears. This public artwork represents the Universal Phenomena, adopting the multi-points perspective, as in ancient Chinese landscape paintings. Here the bottom image is ocean, then earth to mountains with continuous ups and downs, waterfalls cascading to the valley. In the summit above is blue sky, white clouds and beyond, the sunlight fill the atmosphere...... abstractly expressing the relationship between heaven and earth, the overall concept is a harmonic environment protecting earth-our home.