New Life - CODAworx

New Life


Location: Charleston, WV, United States

Completion date: 2015

Artwork budget: $50,000

Project Team


Jonathan Cox

Cox Fine Art

Art Consultant

Megan Lapham

Healthcare Art Consulting


After completion of three wood wall reliefs for the Charleston Area Medical Center, Cancer Center,I was commissioned to create a signature outdoor work for the Healing Gardens area in front of the main building. The three primary forms stand approximately 16.5 feet and are constructed in stainless steel and Colorado marble. Each form has a spindle/bearing system at its base enabling it to shift position according to wind direction much like a weathervane would. The leaf forms at the top of each form move even in a light breeze, but in the event of a powerful gust of wind, the form simply adjusts direction to drastically reduce wind load.


The primary goal for this project was to create a simple and edifying work of art that would integrate easily into the Healing Garden. The Healing Garden is intended to be a place of restful and relaxing healing for patients and family members that are engaged in a very demanding medical process.


Every piece of artwork inside and outside of this medical facility is funded by a specific donor and is dedicated to the memory of a loved one who has died from cancer. Mr. Ben Hatfield donated all funds for this project and dedicated it to the memory of his wife and to their remaining three children.