National Business Park - CODAworx

National Business Park

Submitted by Errol Beauchamp

Client: Corporate Office Properties Trust

Location: Jessup, MD, United States

Completion date: 2012

Artwork budget: $26,000

Project Team


Errol Beauchamp

Beauchamp Sculpture

Industry Resource

Beauchamp Sculpture

Lee West foundry


Stream is a sculpture created for the specific site’s interior walls. The bronze sculpture is the central lobby element to connect the office development’s interior with the exterior natural environment. The sculpture’s curving and flowing two forms serve to communicate the Bi-Directional flow of information in a technology campus sited on a wooded area of the DC Beltway. The Silver Nitrate and red/copper patinas and water forms were the clear choice of the architectural review.


The lobby creates a singular connecting point and Stream represents the flow of technology and collaboration across the art influenced campus. The deeply sculpted and curving waves flow to represent the way workforces pass through the campus to share knowledge and resources. The sculpture and the exterior creek and wooded landscaping create a special place of reflection and a gathering point for visitors and employees.


The artist collaborated with the owner, architectural team and GC for a well received partnership. Photo documentation and patina samples informed all teams at each phase of the design, fabrication and installation. The artist was on site and directed the installation before speaking to the owners leasing teams and management about the processes and inspiration for the sculpture.