Legacy Wall - CODAworx

Legacy Wall

Submitted by Malene Barnett

Client: Private

Location: Brooklyn, NY, United States

Completion date: 2022

Project Team

Malene Barnett

Malene Barnett Inc

Leyden Lewis

Leyden Lewis Design Studio


Legacy Wall is a sculptural terracotta installation consisting of hundreds of terracotta tiles grounded in the principles of Sankofa. The mural draws inspiration from my African Caribbean heritage and uses cultural memory to reconnect to mark-making in West African mud architecture. With a Pan-African approach to connect the Black diaspora, each pattern carved in terracotta clay embodies the beauty of Black diaspora experiences and its ability to create new narratives. Each pattern, drawn freehand and intuitively, builds on Black women's legacy of surface pattern design. Each tile hand-pressed in an organic layout amplifies the traces of the hand in the process and beautifies the imperfection in each piece. The repetition is a visual illusion; no two pieces are alike, but in viewing the repetition, new memories are formed by always reaching to the past to embrace possibilities for the future. The size is 10' x 10' x 6'


The goal of the Legacy Wall, a sculptural terracotta installation, was to create a sculpture to anchor the room and provide a safe space for reflection.