Jungle Red”” - CODAworx

Jungle Red””

Submitted by Delos Van Earl

Client: City of Palm Springs

Location: Palm Springs, CA, United States

Completion date: 2008

Artwork budget: $50,000

Project Team

Public Art Agent

Jennifer Henning


Dave Price

Price Nursery


“Jungle Red”, oil enamel on steel. A monumental outdoor sculpture, “Jungle Red” is composed of large red fabricated steel beams that appears to move in and out of the ground in both a dramatic and whimsical style. The piece was commissioned by the City of Palm Springs and the Warm Sands Neighborhood Association. Upon seeing the bright red maquette for “Jungle Red”, members of the neighborhood association named the piece as a reference to the iconic 1939 Joan Crawford film, The Women.


Prior to the installation of "Jungle Red", the site was a trash-covered median in a cul-de-sac surrounded by boutique hotels. After the installation and landscaping, the area became revitalized, the hotels were remodeled and enhanced their landscaping and the neighborhood thrived.


I worked directly with a representative of the Warm Sands neighborhood committee who interfaced with the Palm Springs Public Arts Commission. After securing the commission, I worked directly with the Director of Public Art for the City of Palm Springs. Everybody involved, from the director of the committee to the landscapers to the crane operator all worked together to make the project a great success.