Indianola Wall - CODAworx

Indianola Wall

Submitted by Sergio Martinez de Jesus

Client: Jose Ortega, Building Owner

Location: Indianola, IA, United States

Completion date: 2023

Artwork budget: $12,000

Project Team

Building Owner

Jose Ortega

Jose Ortega


Sergio Martinez de Jesus

Sergio Martinez de Jesus


Honoring The City. Indianola City, Iowa. this is a Spray Paint Mural on a 40×15 Ft Wall. The owner of the building and some City members commissioned this project trying to honor their people and their City.


the idea was to recreate something that local people would feel happy and proud to see. This composition integrates their Main Community building, The Capitol, and some other statues that represent their first people from Indianola, We incorporate one of their main Festival, The Ballon Festival, and some Lettering in the center of the Wall.


Challenging Process because I just had 2 days to make it happen before their Annual Ballon Festival.