illumaphonium - CODAworx


Submitted by Illumaphonium

Client: Private

Location: Somerset, United Kingdom

Completion date: 2018

Artwork budget: $90,000

Project Team

Creative Director

Michael Davis

illumaphonium ltd.

Artistic Director/Production Manager

Gemma Davis

illumaphonium ltd


“illumaphonium is a dynamic and interactive, multi sensory, music making installation - the first of its kind”. This semi acoustic, semi automatic, multi-player musical sculpture stands over three and a half meters tall. It consists of more than two hundred illuminated chime bars each of which respond to touch, with ever changing patterns of light and sound. Spreading out like waves over the giant instruments surface, bringing people together into a fun and spontaneous music making experience.


At the core of our work is not our relationship with the technology we utilise. It is the accessibility that the artwork offers. Before moving into light art we had a long and valuable journey empowering people through group music making and although the form now looks very different, the same ethos runs through the core of our current work. Music is the one universal communication tool that requires no language. By participating in spontaneous music making we create and experience equality together - together with whoever else is there.

The work offers creative expression to people who would not normally think of themselves as 'creative'. People engage with the work without language, there is no need for instruction, there is no need for any previous training of knowledge, there are no age limits, it is free and it is beautiful. It can bring all kinds of people together, and it does.

illumaphonium challenges the mental barriers that people can sometimes place between themselves and their inherent creativity.

We are passionate about sharing our work with new communities and cultures worldwide, so we build robust, tourable artworks that can withstand high footfalls in all climates.


We are a small but mighty family team with a wealth of experience in the successful design, fabrication, installation and the maintenance of large scale light art all around the world.

We pride ourselves on being a thriving neuro diverse team with expertise in areas such as design, mechanical engineering, creative therapies, computer sciences and music making.

Additional Information

Within the relatively new genre of light art we are leading the field when it comes to interactivity, blurring the boundaries between entertainment and art, creating fully participatory illuminated installation work for public spaces around music and musical instruments – which by their very nature are hugely interactive. We strive to create truly believable and authentic experiences for our audiences, something to be experienced, not observed.