Grandscape - Projection Fountain - CODAworx

Grandscape – Projection Fountain

Submitted by Barnycz Group

Client: Grandscape-Developed by Nebraska Furniture Mart Inc., A Berkshire Hathaway Company.

Location: The Colony, TX, United States

Completion date: 2020

Project Team


Daniel Barnycz

Barnycz Group

Fountain/ Landscape Design

Korey Schulz

Olsson Associates

Projection Cart & Custom Speaker Housings Fabrication

Tom Saylor


Systems Integration

Kirk Pierron


Projection System

Todd Peden


Hydro & Lighting Control System

Ryan Friedman

Hydro Dramatics

Content & Programming

Daniel Barnycz

Barnycz Group


Immersive Experiential Design Projection Fountain
Located in the Dallas, TX metropolitan area, the Grandscape project stretches over 400 acres and will feature more than 3.9 million square feet of retail, entertainment, residential, dining and attractions.
The vision of Grandscape has always been to create a world-class shopping center that is second to none. Grandscape sought to create an experience truly unique in the mixed-use retail space.
The Barnycz Group was engaged as the projects Experiential Design firm, they designed, developed, deployed and programmed all of Grandscape ‘s Electronic Amenities.
Sprinkled throughout the development, Grandscape features many different electronic amenity elements designed specifically to the address the goal of enhancing the guest experience and to provide them with something exciting that they haven’t seen before.
One of the Barnycz Group’s electronic amenity elements at Grandscape is the is the Projection Fountain experience. The Fountain is located in the heart of the shopping center nestled between two of the main anchor tenants at Grandscape. At 3,433 square feet, the fountain appears at first glance to be inconspicuous enough with traditional water jet features, but that all changes as the sun sets.


The vision of these shows was to be highly experiential with the goal of creating a visual spectacle that would “wow” guests visiting Grandscape. Two unique shows entitled “Chroma” and “Grafika” were created by The Barnycz Group, each show running five minutes in duration. Playing along with the visual content are two originally produced soundtracks driving the show score.


As a proof of concept to determine if projecting through the water was feasible, a to-scale mock-up was created with projectors suspended 36ft. in the air from a boom lift projecting down into a temporary
fountain pool. It was during this test that the fountain basin paint color was selected based on the Projection Surface Gain Factor, and the Color Rendering Quality.

Additional Information

Since its installation, the Projection Fountain experience has become a guest favorite feature at Grandscape. Every night as the top of each hour approaches, you can see guests gathering around the Fountain in excitement waiting for the show to start.