Eyes - CODAworx


Submitted by Fitzhugh Karol

Client: NYC Parks

Location: Staten Island, NY, United States

Completion date: 2017

Project Team


Fitzhugh Karol

Public Art Agent

NYC Parks

NYC Parks


As part of Art in the Parks, Brooklyn-based sculptor Fitzhugh Karol’s “Eyes” now sits in Staten Island’s Tappen Park — intersecting steel shapes are derived from the simple silhouettes of hillsides and stairs, and frame the park’s historic Village Hall. The integrated play feature provides a chance to engage with the work in a way that most sculptures do not allow, appealing to the community in a fundamental way.


Public art, especially in parks is really the ideal place for the sculptures I want to create. I love a high level of interaction with a work. Parks are the great equalizers of our cities - you have all walks of life in a park on a given day, a thousand different backgrounds and all with unique imaginations. Museums filter people in a way that parks do not. Public art is vital to the vibrancy of any city landscape and art in our parks takes it a step further, allowing people to be around art when their guard is down, when they're free.