Circle of Life - CODAworx

Circle of Life

Client: Back to Nature Wildlife Refuge Sanctuary

Location: Orlando, FL, United States

Completion date: 2024

Artwork budget: $32,999

Project Team


Dawn Knight

Orange County Public Art and Design

Project Manager

Jannice Pastrana

Capital Projects Division


Circle of Life was created for a Wildlife Sanctuary. 5 animals found in Orlando were selected to represent the refuge. the artwork is on the exterior wall of the welcome center reinforcing the mission of the sanctuary to, raise, rescue, rehabilitate, and re-release injured or orphaned Florida native species, and to provide education about respecting the environment.


This mural was created to promote the mission of the Back To Nature Wildlife Refuge Sanctuary. It is located on the exterior wall of the welcome center reinforcing the mission of the Center to, raise, rescue, rehabilitate, and -release injured or orphaned Florida native species, and to provide education about respecting the environment. The mural is dominant and offers an educational experience of what the visitors should expect inside the center.


I gathered all of my glass and separated the colors. I enlarged the mural to a ten foot diameter and began designing each animal in the glass.

Additional Information

This project was exciting because I knew it expressed the awareness of a Wildlife Refuge Sanctuary in a beautiful and meaningful way.