Westmoreland Nature Play - CODAworx

Westmoreland Nature Play

Submitted by Adam Kuby

Client: Portland Parks and Receration

Location: Portland, OR, United States

Completion date: 2014

Artwork budget: $300,000

Project Team


Adam Kuby

Adam Kuby LLC


City of Portland Parks & Recreation

Landscape Architect

Greenworks PC Landscape Architects


Commissioned by City of Portland Parks & Recreation and RACC (Regional Arts & Culture Council) Portland, OR. Wood, basalt, steel. Dimensions variable. Conceived and developed the playground’s unique climbing structures such as the log towers and climbing mountain. Supervised the fabrication and installation of all the climbing elements.


By incorporating an artist into the design process early on, this project creates a unique place for unscripted and creative play while also functioning as a work of visual art and playable sculpture.


Collaborated as design team member with Greenworks Landscape Architects on the playground's overall design, and developing the specific play elements. Also was responsible for supervising and installing the sculptural elements on site, a task not suited for a regular contractor.