Chute Seasons - CODAworx

Chute Seasons

Submitted by Rita Shimelfarb

Client: Chute Middle School

Location: Evanston, IL, United States

Completion date: 2017

Artwork budget: $18,700

Project Team

Rigging and Special Projects Engineer

Ted Jones

Grand Stage

Art Teacher and program coordinator

Cindy Adler

Chute Middle School


Four stained glass panels, 3’w x 5′ each, fitted into steel cage support frames and installed in front of the existing windows in the interior courtyard above main entrance of Chute Middle School.

Thematically the piece reflects four seasons, with each season represented by a distinct color scheme and marked by its own decorative tree branch rendering. Stylistically it was designed as a homage to Frank Lloyd Wright per school’s artistic direction.

School’s student involvement was a key piece of this project. Students learned about properties of warm glass, stained glass design strategies and the craft of making a stained glass panel in the classroom. They also had a direct hands-on experience of cutting glass, manipulating and fusing glass tiles for the project as well as stained glass panel assembly. 24 color tiles incorporated into the panels were designed and fabricated by students under my guidance.

Traditional stained glass construction, fused and painted multi-layered glass. Installed in summer of 2017.


Commemoration of school's 50 year anniversary was the main goal of the project. Secondary goal was advanced art class student involvement in the process. Implementation of this project was essential for the overall celebration purpose and design.


Worked closely with school's administration and art class instructor Cindy Adler in solving logistics of student collaboration on the project as well as finalizing design elements and overall dimensions.
Grand Stage company was selected as project framer and installer. Close collaboration with Grand Stage's chief rigging engineer Ted Jones was essential for frame fabrication and flawlessly executed installation.