Streamers - CODAworx


Submitted by Ruth Aizuss Migdal

Client: Sculpture Fields at Montague Park

Location: Chattanooga, TN, United States

Completion date: 2017

Artwork budget: $85,000

Project Team


Orsolini Fabricators


Streamers; Stainless Steel; 15' x 7' x 7'; Red epoxy paint; Now located in Sculpture Fields at Montaque Park, Chattanooga TN, from June 2016 to June 2019.


This sculpture was first invited by Downtown Expressions Art In Public Places Summer 2016, a Stamford Downtown Outdoor Sculpture Exhibit just for the summer. It is now located in John Henry" scumlpture Park, Sculpture Fields at Montaque Park in Chattanooga, TN until 2019.


I presented the maquette of Streamers to Orsolini Fabricators. He did not have the equipment needed for some of the squiggles in the maquette, so we compromised and simplifies the sculpture.The sculpture is very stable and able to survive extreme weather conditions without being bolted down.