nights and friends - CODAworx

nights and friends

Submitted by Manfred Hubmann

Client: peoples bedrooms

Location: Vienna, Austria

Completion date: 2017

Project Team


Manfred Hubmann

nights and friends


Molly Vallentine

nights and friends


Magdalen Chen

nights and friends


“Never get out of bed before noon“
To follow this sage advice you only need one thing – nights friends.
nights friends is an artists run company that collaborates with talented, emerging artists creating unique bedsheets. nights friends is made up by: Molly Vallentine, Manfred Hubmann and Magdalen Chen. Working from our very own bedroom, we invite handpicked artists from all over the planet to join us in exhibiting their work in an exciting and innovative way. The nights friends bedsheets collection is a unique opportunity for you to experience art in bed. It’s a new way of collecting and a sexy move.


nights and friends's devotion, apart from creating wonderful bedsheets, is working together with artists from all around the globe. Bringing them together on the homepage and producing their work on our products is like an ongoing curated exhibition in peoples bedrooms. commissioning exciting, fantastic, upcoming artists to work with bedsheets, guarantees bold, new and unconventional designs. This is what sets nights and friends apart from other companies that commission known and established designers and artists for their products. They are more focused on the economic success of their products. Focussing on the general public opinion about bedsheets, often leads to a common sense design. We try to be more bold than that and expand the general idea of how bedsheets should look like and what we use them for. Comissioning upcoming artists and producing in small limited editions tries to put a focus on unexpected, playful designs. nights and friends is an artist run company that tries to create a new source of income artists and offers them the possibility of spreading their work to a new audience.


The best thing about nights and friends is that every participating artist gets incorporated in the companies profits. The artist remeins in possession of their designs, nights and friends simply buys the right of printing it on bedsheets, plus the artists earn a share of every bedsheet sold. Thus become a part of the nights and friends family.

nights and friends artistic work focus lies upon handpicking the artists and curating a sensible and exciting edition. For the first edition available on the webshop we tried to offer a broad spectrum of different kinds of artist and artistic practice, but still in spite off all their contrast have the bedsheets fit well together and start some kind of a dialogue in combination with each other. The artists are supported by nights and friends bringing their artworks to a printable quality (making sure the colors will come out right and the solution is perfect and the images are crisp). The artist is solely responsible for what they want to print on the bedsheets. Some artists work conceptually with the medium bedsheets itself, others just use it as a screen to put their works on.

Additional Information

“I want to give you a present,” said the moon to her best friend the night. “Playful and experimental bedsheets—designed by wonderful artists from all around the world—printed on high quality, 100% cotton in limited edition … That is what I’m craving,” the night replied… “Then check this out!” said the moon.  This is how the night and the moon and all the little stars came to wrap themselves in these fantastic bedsheets, sleeping soundly through the long hours of the day.