Welcome to the November issue of CODAmagazine, where we share the best design + art projects from all over the world. We’re an online community for artists, design professionals, and industry resources to showcase their work, collaborate with one another, and find the creative resources they need for future projects.

More and more, artists are addressing the issues of environmental impact through their artwork, and a glance through this month’s issue offers a glimpse at the multitude of creative solutions they use to do so. This is such a popular topic for contemporary artists! Just search for “environmental art” in the CODAworx Project Library, and count how many results come up! Increasingly, we live in a world where communities try to protect natural resources, where natural disasters disrupt entire regions, and where top minds are rushing to find fixes for rising carbon emissions, various pollution sources, and overflowing landfills. Artists are telling us to PAY ATTENTION and DO SOMETHING.

At CODAworx we encountered stories about the environment and art with an environmental theme throughout the year. If you missed CODAsummit this October, you can find an article about (and video of) Jason Klimoski’s opening keynote presentation at the conference in this issue. During it, Klimoski presented footage from the site where Whale In Love, a sculpture made from fifteen tons of recycled plastic, is installed in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Nature can be both inspiring and unforgiving, strong, and fragile. Humanity leaves big footprints, and artists who promote environmental messages can help turn awareness to activism, bringing a closer focus on challenges facing our environments, and the most vulnerable dependent on them.