• Commissioning Entity

    City of St. Louis, Misourri

  • Application Open Date


  • Application Deadline Date


  • Minimum Budget


  • Maximum Budget


  • Location of Commission

    St. Louis, Missouri, United States

  • Geographic Eligibilty

    Applicants in country of installation

  • Contact Name

  • Contact Email

    [email protected]

  • Contact Phone

  • Commission Document

    View Link Document

  • Brief Description

    The City of St. Louis, Missouri, is interested in commissioning an artist or artist team to create a site-specific gateway sculpture for a public space at N. 14th Street and Biddle as part of the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative. This opportunity is open to artists with the capacity to successfully complete design and installation/fabrication of the project within the budget and timeline. The submission process is described below. Up to three (3) finalists will be selected and paid a stipend to develop concept proposals for this opportunity. Artists are also invited to submit existing work that is available for purchase so long as it aligns with the goals and criteria for this project. The budget for the artwork is not to exceed $200,000 and must be installed no later than August 30, 2024. Submissions are due February 19, 2024.


    The Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) is a program of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development that leverages significant public and private dollars to support locally-driven strategies that address neighborhoods with public or HUD-assisted housing through a comprehensive approach to neighborhood transformation. The City of St. Louis’ Near North Side Choice Neighborhood Initiative encompasses Columbus Square neighborhoods, along with portions of Old North St. Louis and St. Louis Place.

    The CNI neighborhood team has been working with Near North Side (NNS) residents since the launch of the Critical Communities Improvement Plan in July, 2020. This plan builds on the capacity and insights provided by residents and will result in a series of neighborhood improvements designed to promote individual and community wealth. Residents indicated they wanted safer spaces to play, have fellowship and relax; cleaner and better streets; opportunities for meaningful careers that can sufficiently support families; good development of vacant land and buildings; and greater unity and collaboration between neighbors.

    Through this process neighbors also identified a need to send a clear signal that long-awaited transformation of the Near North Side Choice Neighborhoods has arrived, and to firmly distinguish and honor the community’s past and progress, through art and culture. In addition to this gateway sculpture opportunity, improvements will include:

    • Community-engaged public art installations
    • Tree-scaping and sidewalk rain gardens
    • Pedestrian and park infrastructure to encourage rest and fellowship along the corridor


    The site for the gateway sculpture is in a triangle shaped piece of land at the intersection of N. 14th Street and Biddle. Plans for the site include transforming it into a park-like space, populated with a variety of tree species and two benches. Situated along N. 14th Street, it is a highly visible location along a busy corridor and sits near the intersection of the four neighborhoods that comprise the Near North Side: Carr Square, Columbus Square, Old North, and St. Louis Place.


    An artist will be commissioned to create a site-specific work of art for the triangle space at N. 14th Street and Biddle that serves as both a gateway visible to passers-by and a visual anchor that engages visitors.

    Gateway Sculpture Goals
    • Create a sense of arrival for residents and visitors to the Near North Side.
    • Convey a sense of unity and shared identity for the Near North Side.
    • Celebrate and highlight the Near North Side’s unique identity, history, and pride of place.
    • Bring creativity, beauty, vibrancy, and a visible icon to the 14th Street corridor.

    Gateway Sculpture Budget
    $200,000 to include all costs of designing, fabricating, and delivering the artwork, including but not limited to, design, engineering, fabrication, shipping, travel, insurance, and overhead. The foundation/site work and installation will be paid from a separate budget.

    Please see the commission document link for full project information.Click here for the application form.