Asclepius - CODAworx


Client: Northwestern University

Location: Chicago, IL, United States

Completion date: 2014

Artwork budget: $85,000

Project Team


Daniel Goldstein

Daniel Goldstein Studio

Art Consultant

Brooke Dinda

Chicago Art Source


This was a tricky spot for a hanging sculpture. It is fairly small footprint between two escalator banks. I had to be design the sculpture so that it is on the same level as the visitors while also being out of reach of those same visitors. The sculpture is 1680 cubic feet and weighs less than 150 lbs.


My goal was to create a strong welcoming sculptural statement in the lobby that would also serve to carry the viewer's eye upwards towards other parts of the facility. The colors of the interior are neutral so I felt the need for strong color in the art work. The work is an abstracted image of the snake and staff of the Greek god of medicine, Aesclepius.


See above.